Learn From Others:)

 When creating your own personal brand, it is always a good idea to follow others who have your same values when it comes to what type of content you want to put out to the world. It will help you come up with more ideas and also could potentially help you connect on a business and maybe even personal level to help grow and strengthen your personal brand. With knowing this I have found five other blogs that are an inspiration to me and my values. 

Beauty Everywhere 

This first blog known as Beauty Everywhere focuses on "finding gratitude and beauty in everything". This mission statement that they have falls perfectly into my main wants in building a personal brand, which is that there can be beauty found in every aspect of your world. They take even the simplest of ideas and find out how it makes either theirs or your situation beautiful.

Every Movie Has a Lesson 

This blog falls more along the lines of my blog as of right now due to it being more of a movie blog. However, the aspect that they show that "Every Movie Has a Lesson" is great to me because in truth they do. You can always just turn on the TV to watch something and pay attention but never really grasp the hidden meaning it may have, but when you sit down and really focus you can find that all movies have a deeper meaning we just have to be willing to see it and understand it. This is important to me and my personal brand because this is true in everyday situations, and understanding that if you take just a little bit more time to see if there is a hidden meaning in anything you do, you will be able to find the beauty in it much easier.

My Self-Love

This next blog goes a little deeper than the others. It is a platform focused on how to better your mental, emotional and physical health. Now this is big for me because I believe that if you want to truly be able to find beauty within every aspect of your life, you must first find it within yourself. This is not an easy tasks nowadays either with how big of an impact social media has on how you should view yourself and others. Taking the time to care for yourself on all of these levels; mental, emotional, and physical, should be everyone's number one priority and this blog does a very good job at showing you how you can do that and will help inspire me.

A Woman Afoot

Something that I have always wanted to do was travel and capture the beauty that nature holds. This has been a passion of mine ever since I can remember and this blog does just that. The author of this blog uses her travels to not only show the beauty outdoors but to also speak about matters that are near and dear to her heart. Eventually, this is something that I wish to do as well and by being able to see someone else accomplish it inspires me to learn from her and to do it myself one day. 

The Positivity Blog

A huge value that I want in my personal brand is to spread happiness and positivity in everything that I do. The world doesn't need any more negativity and I would love to be a light for even just a few people. This blog is all about spreading light and ways that you can do that. To be able to read others views on how to be a light will benefit me greatly to see what I can do.


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