Professional Presence

 Gaining a professional presence within social media is one of the best ways possible to help build either your business or your personal brand and even both. Having a key balance between professionalism and relating to your consumers is the biggest and best strategy in my opinion. Showing them that you know what you are doing and how to be presentable in every aspect, as well as being able to hold a normal and relatable conversation will help you in the long run. I have approached this idea by knowing how to use social media as a tool. According to Shaun Nestor social media is a two-way communication tool and should be used as such. Understanding that it is a listening tool, a customer relationship builder, and a way to gather information against competition are just a few of the ideas that the article shares you should know to build that presence. A website that can help you build your personal brand and business is known as LinkedIn and I have found five organizations to follow to gain more knowledge. Those five are: Leadership Think Tank, Event Planning and Event Management, Commerical Photography, Customer Experience & Innovation Management, and Business Management Daily. Feel free to check out LinkedIn and follow these accounts as well!

Shaun Nestor, Shaun Nestor, & *, N. (2014, June 23). How to start your professional social media presence. Shaun Nestor. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from


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